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Moving Picture, Poems by David Cazden
lyrics of David Cazden’s Moving Picture, at once ruggedly
and delicately written, display an intense connection with the physical
world, the world of the senses and spirit. Cazden’s poems frame
lovely pictures out of that world’s relentless motion.
Poems by David Cazden
“Moving Picture is a mature work, by a writer deserving
serious attention. In the best of Cazden’s poems the picture moves
steadily inward toward its heart’s center, and steadily downward
toward his deep understanding. He peels his fruits with reverence and
precision. One becomes fond of the tender speaker here, envious of the
‘you’ in the stories he tells.”—James Baker Hall,
former Poet Laureate of Kentucky
“There is something reverent about Cazden’s poems—the
way he weaves language and emotion together with skill, directness, and
at times, a surprisingly delicate perception into the serious. His work
appears to stem from a deceptively calm interior and is a gift to the
reader.”—Stellasue Lee
David Cazden was born as a U.S. citizen in Vienna, Austria in 1958. Living
in Kentucky most of his life, he began writing poetry in high school.
By college he had won the Danzler award for creative writing from the
University of Kentucky English Department. Soon after obtaining his engineering
degree, he stopped writing poetry for over two decades. He is currently
the author of one chapbook, The Joy of Cooking School, and is
the Poetry Editor for Miller’s Pond Magazine.
ISBN 1932339108, 96 pages