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Divining the Prime Meridian, Poems by Carol Smallwood
The locating of water underground using a divining rod is an old practice; divining can also mean to discover by insight--also an old practice. The prime
meridian, an arbitrary line of longitude (defined as 0 degrees) is the line from which eastern and western hemispheres are set. An atlas has four
projections of the world on the first page that has provided years of comfort: the divisions had the water blue, deserts yellow, green land, mountains
orange, and polar caps white--all separated by lines of longitude. Carol Smallwood's poems divine, they delineate, they bring focus and insight to the
world's experiences.
Sample Poems by Carol Smallwood
"Whether considering the lacework of atoms, the calming labor of quilting, or many other points of reference in a universe with 'no edge or center,' Carol Smallwood's poems are woven with grace, skill, and intuition. They are the work of a woman who knows where to look for truth, and how to measure its music."--Robert Fanning, Associate Professor of Creative Writing at Central Michigan University, and author of American Prophet, Marick Press, 2009
"Carol Smallwood's Divining the Prime Meridian takes us on a balanced journey that winds through domestic, natural, physical and mental terrains with seasons real and metaphorical; and reminds us that beauty 'lies in what is missing'."--Christine Swanberg, poet, The Alleluia Tree, Puddin'head Press, 2012
"The voice of the poet in Divining the Prime Meridian is like a brisk autumn wind, swirling brightly colored leaves around in recognizable patterns of truth--it carries us along and invigorates the spirit."--Larry Grieco, contributor to Bringing the Arts Into the Library, ALA Editions, 2013
"Whether formal or free verse, Carol Smallwood's voice focuses on issues of importance with grace and wisdom."--Foster Neill, editor , The Michigan Poet
"With a finely-tuned precision, Carol Smallwood's poems drive themselves straight into the reader's heart." -Supriya Bhatnagar, director of publications, The Association of Writers & Writing Programs
"Every minute detail captured from mayflies to the moon's pale existence on a blue sky, this collection keeps us tuned inward as if we are part of every universe no matter its depth or size." -Christine Redman-Waldeyer, founder/editor, Adanna Literary Journal
Carol Smallwood, a Pushcart poetry nominee, edited several anthologies for the American Library Association, Scarecrow Press, McFarland Publishers, and others. She's won National Federation of State Poetry Societies and other competitions and is included in Best New Writing 2010. Selected journals she appears in are: The Writer's Chronicle, Scrivener Creative Review, 13th Moon. She's in several poetry anthologies. The co-edited, Women and Poetry: Tips on Writing, Teaching and Publishing by Successful Women Poets (foreword by Molly Peacock) McFarland, 2012 is on the list of "Best Books for Writers" by Poets & Writers Magazine. Women Writing on Family: Tips on Writing, Teaching and Publishing is from The Key Publishing House Inc., 2012. Carol has founded and supports humane societies. Some of the Marquis publications she's in are: Who's Who in the World, Who's Who in America, Who's Who of American Women. Carol Smallwood has been award the Marquis Lifetime Achievement Award for her work in writing, librarianship, and education. https://wwlifetimeachievement.com/2018/12/12/carol-smallwood
ISBN: 978-1625491114, 118 pages